How to Use Essential Oils for Cleaning

Essential oils have become increasingly popular this year to include in a healthy lifestyle. These oils can be used for a variety purposes, such as medicinal, aromatherapy, baking and household cleaning. Before household cleaners existed people used oils for cleaning. These oils typically come from flowers and plants, like tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil and lavender oil. Here are a few ways to use essential oils in your home:

Air Freshener

Adding water to a spray bottle with 5-10 drops of essential oil can make an amazing air freshener. Spritz it around your home and you’ll find your house smelling wonderful in no time. A tip is to be very careful with the amount of oil you use as they are very concentrated and the smell can be overpowering in some cases. You can also use a diffuser to have a consistent essential oil smell around the house. These can be purchased at many big box stores, and work as a humidifier would.

Countertop Degreaser

Into a spray bottle, add 5-10 drops of your favourite essential oil with 1 part hydrogen peroxide and 4 parts water. Spray your countertop, let it sit while the peroxide does it’s thing and then wipe away. You’ll be left with a pleasantly clean kitchen that smells even better.

Furniture Polish

Your furniture deserves some love every now and then – especially when company is coming over. Simply mix lemon juice or olive oil with 5 drops of your favourite essential oil to create a polish. Dab a bit onto a microfiber cloth and rub onto your furniture. Your wood furniture will look and smell just as fresh and great as it does when cleaned with a commercial product!

Have a busy schedule and don’t have time to clean your house? Windsor Home Cleaning is here to help! Contact us to learn more about our Ottawa home cleaning services.